MFL, Modern Foreign Languages - French (KS3)
The Three Musketeers
Journey back in time to the turbulent streets of Paris. The threat of violence hangs in the air, fights break out on every corner and impassioned mottos ring out.

History (KS2)
Thorgil the Viking
Thorgil the Viking has arrived to take you on a hammer-hurling historical voyage!

Maths (KS1, KS2)
Times Tables Rock Stars Assembly
Our Rock Scout is on the hunt for Times Tables Talent! Using drama games and activities, this lively assembly-style session is designed to enthuse your budding maths rock stars!

History, History Large Group (KS1, KS2)
VE Day Assembly
The 8th May marks 80 years since VE Day and we'd be delighted to help you commemorate this landmark anniversary in your school.

History (KS1)
Victorian Homelife and Toys
Mrs Brown the Housekeeper has so many chores to do at Sudbury Manor, she needs your class to help before the Lord and Lady return.