Geography (KS2)
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Adventure with the Earth Explorer to some of the world’s most notorious volcanoes and in countries regularly affected by earthquakes.

Geography (KS1)
Weather and Seasons
From the blistering heat of the Sahara desert to the bitter chill of Antarctica, experience a range of climates, categorise weather patterns and simulate seasons on the Earth Explorer’s latest transatlantic trek

Geography (KS1)
Where in the UK is Baxter Bear?
Join Baxter Bear on a whistle-stop tour of the UK as he uses his compass to find the capital cities, learning about the UK’s surrounding seas in this fun-filled adventure.

Geography (Early Years (EYFS), KS1)
Where in the World is Baxter Bear?
Join Baxter as he uses his trusty compass and handy maps to navigate his way to France, Brighton and Mexico.