Creative Movement, Cross-curricular and PSHE, Inset (KS1, KS2)
Mindfulness through Movement
Explore the concept of mindfulness through creative movement activities based on meditation, thought processes, and relaxation.

History, History Day, History Large Group, History Shows (KS2)
Return of the Romans!
The live TV show Return from the Past is in danger of being cancelled and needs your help!

Geography (KS2)
Rivers and Water
Your class are needed as the cast and crew of the TV show Riverwatch!

Science (KS1, KS2)
Science Assembly
Looking for something to kick-start Science Week? Why not try our Science Assemblies, perfect for a whole year group or key stage to take part in at the same time.

Science (KS1, KS2)
Science Machine
The professor's Science Machine is in grave danger of imploding. Can the children help to save it?!