Browse Our Workshops

History (KS2)

Second World War

Plunge yourself into the blackouts, rationing and evacuations of Home Front Britain

Literacy/Storytelling, Shakespeare (KS1, KS2)

Shakespeare’s Life and Times

Discover more about the man behind the plays. Explore Shakespeare's life in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, the context of the Tudor period in which he wrote, and his remarkable literary legacy.

Literacy/Storytelling, Shakespeare (KS1, KS2)

Shakespeare’s Plays

Introduce your class to Shakespeare in a fun and accessible way.

Geography (KS1, KS2)

St Lucia: An Overseas Locality

Visit the Pitons, venturing through the rainforest and even taking part in the local carnival!

Literacy Large Group, Literacy/Storytelling (KS1, KS2)

Stories from Africa

See the tales of How Anansi Became King of All Stories and How the Zebra Got His Stripes unfold as your pupils create scenes inspired by African storytelling.

Literacy Large Group, Literacy/Storytelling (KS1, KS2)

Stories from Asia

Immerse your children in the ancient world of gods, goddesses and wise gurus. Featuring the story of Rama and Sita, this is the perfect accompaniment to Diwali celebrations.