Bringing your Curriculum to Life with Drama
Primary Schools
Choose from over a hundred workshops we offer to Primary Schools, whether you’re looking for a session to celebrate a special occasion in school, like World Book Day or Science Week.
Or if you’re keen to boost class learning and consolidate knowledge, we’ve got a workshop.
All our sessions are led by professional facilitators.
Science (KS1, KS2)
Science Assembly
Looking for something to kick-start Science Week? Why not try our Science Assemblies, perfect for a whole year group or key stage to take part in at the same time.
Science (KS1, KS2)
Science Machine
The professor's Science Machine is in grave danger of imploding. Can the children help to save it?!
History (KS2)
Second World War
Plunge yourself into the blackouts, rationing and evacuations of Home Front Britain
Literacy/Storytelling, Shakespeare (KS1, KS2)
Shakespeare’s Life and Times
Discover more about the man behind the plays. Explore Shakespeare's life in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, the context of the Tudor period in which he wrote, and his remarkable literary legacy.