Vision and Values

Our Vision
To work in collaboration with our staff and our partners in schools to provide enriching drama-in-education learning experiences which reflect the diversity and learning styles of our customers. Our workshops and shows will explore both curriculum topics and other relevant issues for children and young people.
What do we stand for?
Freshwater Theatre Company is passionate about the power of drama to engage and inspire children and young people by providing memorable, enriching and interactive learning experiences which encourage creative expression whilst embedding subject knowledge.
What do we believe?
That all children and young people deserve inspiring, memorable and high quality learning experiences above and beyond classroom education.
That drama is a powerful tool for learning, personal development and creative expression.

Our Mission
To deliver workshops and shows to many young people and their teachers across London and around the U.K.
To consistently offer quality products which are relevant to our customer base.
To reflect the diversity of our customer base both through the content of our sessions and the backgrounds of our employees.
To be a respected contributor to the wider conversation about the importance to the arts in education.
To collaborate with and learn from each other and our partners in schools, libraries and other venues.

Our Purpose
We enrich the curriculum through drama.
We make learning fun.
We encourage self-expression and exploration of thoughts, ideas and feelings through the medium of drama.
We support the belief that creativity contributes to the well-being of young people and society as a whole.
We help to educate the ‘whole’ child.

Our Values
We value kindness, inclusivity, adaptability and a non-judgemental approach. We are a learning organisation that is committed to diversity, being relevant, collaboration, quality and a sense of fun in all our work!
By fostering collaboration, drawing on our diverse experiences, and bringing a sense of fun to our work, we aim to create an environment that’s enriching for everyone!